Hexham 2023 combined events: cancelled

Combined events in Hexham, again cancelled.

The 23rd edition looks cursed ! 

Richard Hunter, meeting director of EAP Hexham, informas today 4 August, 2022 :

I’m sorry to say that the 2022 meeting will not take place as planned in 3/4 Sept.
We have been unable to confirm a budget and are now looking forward to staging our next event in 2023.
I’m sorry if this news comes late in the day, but we delayed the event until September due to very busy competition calendar and there is now also a clash with another combined events meeting which does not help.


The 2019 edition had to be cancelled "because of a significant number of athletes' drop outs in the last days".

Then the 2020 edition was cancelled because of the pandemics.

But, bad luck still hits this meeting which again this year, 2022, was first postponed from June 34/25 then to Septembre ¾, but finally Richard Hunter had to throw in the towel for financial reasons.

Will there be an EAP meeting in 2023 ?

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