We organise meetings !

Behind this simple and banal formulation, the circuit of international meetings EAP announces the program of the outdoor season, which begins as usual, in the South of Italy in April.
But at the moment, while we are finally delighted with the gradual lifting of measures to prevent the spread of the virus, … we are concerned about the serious events of the war in Ukraine.
It is not our competence to comment on the news but we must take into consideration the consequences this has for us.

Core Values

As a reminder, the EAP circuit is based on the principles and values ​​of fair competition and on the basis of the participation of athletes from all walks of life (only athletes who adhere to our code of conduct are admitted, which, in short, accepts only clean athletes who do not cheat in any way).

EAP meetings are all affiliated to their own national federation which is affiliated to European Athletics and therefore depends on World Athletics.
Here is a summary (source “EME News”, March 2, 2022) of the position of World Athletics, the World Athletics Athletes’ Commission as well as NACAC (North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association):

World Athletics stance

-> Read the full news on worldathletics.org

WA sanctions Russia and Belarus

MONACO (MON): The World Athletics Council has agreed to impose sanctions against the Member Federations of Russia and Belarus as a consequence of the invasion of Ukraine. All athletes, personal support and officials from Russia and Belarus will be excluded from all World Athletics Series events for the foreseeable future, with immediate effect including the World Race Walking Team Championships in Muscat which begin on Friday. The Authorized Neutral Athlete (ANA) process remains in place but Russian athletes who have received ANA status for 2022 are excluded from World Athletics Series events for the foreseeable future. "The world is horrified by what Russia has done, aided and abetted by Belarus. World leaders sought to avoid this invasion through diplomatic means but to no avail given Russia's unswerving intention to invade Ukraine. The unprecedented sanctions that are being imposed on Russia and Belarus by countries and industries all over the world appear to be the only peaceful way to disrupt and disable Russia's current intentions and restore peace," said World Athletics President Sebastian Coe. From World Athletics.

MONACO (MON): World Athletics Athletes’ Commission chairs Renaud Lavillenie and Dame Valerie Adams welcomed the decision to sanction Russia and Belarus. "We stand in solidarity with our fellow athletes, competitors, and friends from Ukraine who are facing far greater challenges than just disruptions to their training and competition, but are in fear of their lives and the lives of their loved ones. While we understand the implications of this decision for Authorized Neutral Athletes from Russia and Belarusian athletes, who may not be condoning their nations' deplorable military action in Ukraine, we cannot ignore the message that inclusion of these two nations' athletes would send to our friends in Ukraine and the rest of the world,” said Lavillenie. From World Athletics.

NASSAU (BAH): NACAC issued a very strong condemnation of the recent decision by the Russia to invade the country of Ukraine and starting a war that will incur significant loss of lives, the destruction of the country's economy and leaving untold numbers without homes and places of work. NACAC is extremely proud that the athletes of the world have let their voices join those of millions around who vehemently reject the Russian invasion and its seeming disregard for all norms of democracy and international law.

Position of the EAP

Within the EAP, we have several meetings which are also part of the World Athletics Continental Tour and therefore they will have to follow the directives, the aim of which is to accelerate the process of the return to peace. This means, in accordance with these guidelines, that we will not accept Russian athletes, not even those with ANA status, or Belarusian athletes.

This obviously penalizes the athletes, we deeply regret it. But in the coherence of the actions aimed at the return to peace it is a requirement to which, as an EAP circuit, we adhere.
As president of the EAP, I would like to point out that at our level, it is neither politics nor a statement of position but simply the application of our own principles and values ​​as well as hierarchical respect for bodies that govern our sport.
This is a case of force majeure, so I ask all our meetings, without exception, to respect these instructions so that a return to peace can once again allow everyone to take part in our meetings in the spirit of healthy competitiveness that has characterized us since 1990.

The EAP 2022 calendar

A few days before the end of the indoor season (Belgrade Indoor World Championship / March 18-20), the EAP outdoor program is as follows:

Enjoy and let me say that sport is a school of peace, tolerance, fraternity and excellence.

Buonatletica !


Pablo Cassina

EAP President

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