Become a member of the EAP

The EAP circuit, created in 1990, is an independent circuit of meetings across Europe and is based on the concept of true athleticsSpecific standards and regulations give all members the opportunity to participate in EAP level competitions. A unique chance for their athletes to compete abroad!

Since 2024, the EAP, renamed in Events for Athletics Promotion, is no longer limited to Europe, but has become worldwide.

Find out how your meeting can be part of the EAP. Applicants must submit an application (follow the instructions described in the guide below) and if the project is deemed valid by the Board of officers (BOARD), applicants must present it to members at the annual Convention, which is held each year in early November. Next EAP convention, will be held in CODROIPO (ITA)  from 7 to 9 November 2025. Send us an email at !


Extract from ART. 35: Presentation of candidatures:

Applicants must apply by email to and if the project is deemed valid by the Board of Directors, applicants must present it to members at the annual Convention, which is held each year in early November. Formal requests must reach the BOARD no later than 3 weeks before the convention (the exact date is published on the website and is annotated and relayed by our social media network). The presentation must be in PDF or PowerPoint format and should be sent latest one week before the Convention. The physical presence of the candidate (meeting director) is mandatory. it is strongly recommended that the candidate be accompanied by another authoritative member of the organisation (example: president, treasurer).

Guide for your application and for your presentation at the Convention

Prepare your application to become a member. Follow the 11 points of the guide (resumed in the PDF version of Become-a-Member).  Available in EN/FR/DE/ES/IT.

  1. Event's  presentation
    (Venue, date, stadium, club and/or event's history, program of events, website, social media)
  2. Transport and accessibility
    1. Nearest airport(s), train station, motorway, road
    2. Do you provide domestic transportation service (free shuttle) from both airports to the hotel + from hotel to the track and back ?
    3. Accommodation
      1. Hotel(s) category / level
      2. How far is/are the hotel(s) from the track ?
      3. Are the invited top athletes staying in the same hotel as the EAP delegations (athletes + coaches)
      4. Where do the athletes eat ?
        1. At the hotel restaurant ?
          1. If not, where?
        2. The day of the event, where do you provide the meal before and after the meeting ?
  3. The meeting local organising committee (LOC)
    1. The club’s (or association or federation) structure,
    2. The volunteers group
  4. Membership or permit in other associations, federations, organisations, circuits of meetings
  5. Organisational experience
    Since when, level and type
  6. Motivation to join the circuit : what do you expect ?
    1. What is the actual size and level of the meeting (local/regional, national or international area of interest) ?
    2. Do you expect, wth the EAP, to upgrade the level of your actual meeting ?
  7. Budget of the meeting and for the EAP, sponsors and partners
    1. Financial results of the two previous years and next year’s budget as EAP
    2. Global meeting budget (with detail on travel, accommodation, prize-money & bonuses)
    3. Part of the budget for the EAP (travel reimbursements and full board accommodation)
  8. Technical charateristics of the track
    (IAAF/World Athletics agreement ?)
  9. Media
    (Partnerships, presence, TV Highlights, live-streaming)
  10. Spectators
  11. Your questions to the EAP

Thank you !


Open discussion: Q&A from the EAP members

Vote …


Extract from the Standards & Regulations (Art. 35)

In case of acceptance, the subscription fees are:

  • 150 € Registration fee for New EAP member (una tantum) +
  • 300 € EAP-Elite annual membership fee (valid for 1 year from 1.1 to 31.12, to be paid latest by end of November by bank transfer) +
  • (optional) 80€ EAP-Running events (max two events in this category) +
  • (optional) 80€ EAP-Masters events (max two events in this category)

The main subscription fee is always 300€ (this is usually an EAP-Elite or Future meetings but could also be a Running or a Masters event). In case the main event is a Running or a Masters event, then an additional (optional) EAP-Elite or EAP-Future meeting for the same organiser, is 80€.

The amount of the membership fee can be changed by Convention. The decision will not be applied for the coming year, but for the subsequent one (unless it is decided to reduce the sum).


  • Extract from the Standards & Regulations (Art. 39)

Other expenses related to the annual Convention

  • Covention's participation fees (accommodation and convention costs) have to be paid to the Convention's organiser. The cost of each Convention is detailed latest 50 days before the convention itself.
  • Travel to the Convention (nearest airport): at the full charge of the participant.
    • If the nearest airport is more than 50 km from the hotel, the organizer of the congress is obliged to offer, as far as possible, a free shuttle service or to offer other means of transport at low cost. Likewise, once the members have arrived, the CO will provide on-site transportation, if necessary, to reach the workplace or related social and recreational activities.
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