EAP 2021 season start

The EAP is back on track !

A few days before the European indoor championships in Torun (POL), the EAP announces the open air season start.
Not without doubts and uncertainties, but so far all meetings confirmed their dates and are ready to cope with the sanitary restrictions. We all hope that travel will become available for all athletes desiring to compete all over Europe.
We all need nice and fair competitions, the 2021 is important and too many athletes have been suffering from miserable training conditions and lack of competition.
Following its expansion, the EAP will be present in 10 countries with near 20 meetings !
As usual we will start in the South and warm Europe. As a starter, these are the 3 first meetings on schedule:
But this is not all for May ! Next meetings will be :
More details and announcements to come !
Date extensions are possible, depending on government decisions. Stay informed and if in doubt, contact us!
In the meanwhile stay safe and good luck to all the athletes participaring in the European Championships in Torun (POL) !
© Credits photo EAP / Pablo Cassina:
Eljone KRUGER (RSA), competing in Celle Ligure, 2019.
More photos: www.flickr.com
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