May this festive season brings lots of joy and happiness in your life. May all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round.
Christmas is a time to cherish peace and kindness and this is specially true and urgent in such difficult times.
When you light the Christmas candle, please do, stop for a moment and have a special thought for all those who do not have the chance and the privilege of being able to celebrate with their family and the people who are dear to them.
Sport is an example of fair play and respect for others. Let this always be the basis of all relationships, at all levels, every time.
A very joyous and cheerful Christmas to you and your family, wherever you are ! ☃️🎄
Merry Christmas to you all.
In behalf of the EAP,
Pablo Cassina
EAP - Events for Athletics Promotion
International track & field worldwide
c/o Pablo Cassina
Impasse du Pas de l'Echelle, 275
F - 74560 Monnetier
Crédit Agricole des Savoie
Account number: 96792130345
IBAN: FR76 1810 6000 3796 7921 3034 593
2 Rue de Moellesulaz
F - 74240 GAILLARD
Two tens of international track & field events.
300 to more than 1000 international athletes per meet, mostly aged 19 to 30 years, but also starting from 8 and up to the masters categories. Live TV in many cases with over 10’000 simultaneous views, live results. Website, pro-active presence in social media and a newsletter sent worldwide to all our athletes, coaches, federations, sponsors, media.
The EAP circuit has existed since 1990 and continues, through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), its mission of developing and promoting athletics. It does this in particular by having implemented a Code of Conduct, the Organizational Quality Program (QMP), the requirement of the I Run Clean® certificate, the integration of safeguarding processes and guidelines for the sustainable protection of the environment in our organizational practices.
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