New EAP logo

EAP Logo

The EAP logo has been slightly modernized and updated, as agrred by the 2018 Convention in Valence.

The idea was to keep the same identity (triangular shape symbolizing Europe and the Blue and Red corporate colors) whilst :

  • introducing the text "inspired by" in order to give a stronger attachement to the EAP values
  • creating a slogan (that can be translated in each language) to reaffirm our commitment to the values that govern the foundations of our sport
  • proposing as standard the English version of Europe athlétisme Promotion by "European Athletics Promotion". Both are now equally admitted.
  • simplifying the font by choosing a non-serif font for for better readability on digital media

This logo is to be considered as "phase 1" to mark a smooth transition to a deeper re-design, to be applied in 2020.

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