The 30th Annual Convention is maintained, but goes virtual

The 30th EAP Annual Convention, due to the actual pandemic situation forced the Geneva organisers to substantially modify their program.
Being impossible to welcome the attendees (member delegates and candidates), the Annual Convention becomes a Virtual Annual Convention and will be concentrated on a one-day session, on Saturday 7th November 2020.
Indeed, the list of countries considered to be at high risk and which had already limited the travel of their citizens, was reinforced by the limitations of the organising country (Switzerland) which implemented the obligation of quarantine for a number of countries affecting almost all of our members and candidates.
This year's Virtual Annual Convention will be marked by many projects and the strengthening of our structures, to implement the EAP 2020 strategy, announced by president Pablo Cassina for four years.

The emphasis will be on supporting our meetings from a logistical, structural and material point of view. The EAP is also looking for expansion with new meetings and new countries. Some have already applied for their candidacy for 2021.

Member meeting organisers (MO), while adhering to the basic principles and which can be summed up in the simple word "TrueAthletics", will benefit from the new tools made available to them.

We have a masterplan !

"10 bricks to build the TrueAthletics building" is at the same time a program, a structure and a set of actions to support organisations towards excellence.

Without a doubt, the objective is not only to boost the performance of our meetings, but above all to define quality standards which will be common to all levels of our meetings. These, according to their potential and their objectives, will be divided into three categories or "ranges" (local-regional, national and international)  in order to respond better and better correspond to the size of the meeting.

The introduction of the EAP ToolBox, to support and boost our Meeting Organisers (MO). There is a “Starter-kit” and a “Pro-Kit proposed (and not imposed) to help and improve their efficiency in organisation and communication. It consists of a privilege package of various tools to which MO can access under attractive costs. New members can consider this as a starter kit to achieve their goals from the first year.

For this, the organisational structure of the EAP will mainly be equipped with two programs: : the Quality Meeting and the Code of Conduct. The first aims to introduce quality criteria specific to each meeting on our circuit, while the second sets up a certification program for our delegated members to ensure that our founding principles and which distinguish us are further developed.
We are also working on the organisation, which will become traditional over the years, of an altitude training camp reserved for EAP members as well as on the creation of the EAP Referees Academy Group whose purpose is to incentivate to know-how and motivate officials by travelling and observing each other meetings from a technical aspect.

In addition, we will explain the progress of work on the very ambitious development of a research platform for meetings in Europe and around the world. This tool, with many innovative features, is already available and functional but we will unveil its technical aspects in a few weeks. Persuaded that the standardisation of data is an urgent matter today, we are working with partners so that it can be integrated into existing tools in order to bring them real added value and, this is the goal, a valuable service to athletes, managers, federations and meeting organizers.

These are just a few of the new EAP additions for 2021.

Join the EAP !

If you are interested in joining the EAP circuit, do not hesitate to contact us before October 15, 2020 so that your application can be taken into consideration.
Want to learn more about requirements ? Go to our section "Become a member".


PS: Session recordings will be made available to all attendees and published on our website and social media after the convention.
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