Code of conduct

The Code of Conduct, is an educational process.
It is based on a 2-year cycle which consists of bringing the EAP delegates (up to 3 per MO) to adopt the Code of Conduct as a mandatory requirement from the athletes registration process to the validation of the results.
Our code of conduct is based on the evolution of international standards (World Athletics) in the fight against doping, but moreover it requires that our delegate members follow an online certification to the “I Run Clean®” program.
This process can be completed within two years and leads MO to the Code of Conduct certification.

• Head of this program, is Mr Norman Saliba (Malta).
The term of office is 3 years and is tacitly renewed unless the person appointed wishes to retire or if, for good reason, the SEC decides to appoint another person.
The Code of Conduct  is part, along with the QMP, of the Permanent Core Commissions (PCC).
Extract from the Standards & Regulations (Art. 22)

The EAP circuit distinguish itself by its attachment, since its creation in 1990, to values that are the fundaments of our sport.
A common Code of Conduct defining uniform core values for all of the EAP members and all the participants to our meets.

EAP Code of Conduct (PDF)

EAP Code of Conduct Violation report download (PDF)

EAP Code of Conduct

(The English text is authoritative. In case of doubts in the other translated versions, please refer to the original text.)

This code applies to all participating or involved persons to an EAP meeting, including: individual Athletes, Athletes representatives, Coaches and any person responsible for the participation of an Athlete. It is not restricted to the EAP members.
It is mandatory for all concerned to read, understand, and agree to abide by the EAP Code of Conduct in order to be eligible to participate in EAP competitions.

The most expeditious manner of signing the agreement is to electronically sign, as part of the Athlete’s pre-registration process required by all EAP meetings. In this regards EAP Meeting Organisers (MO) should seek to find ways to offer the facility for athletes / EAP Member Representatives to have the EAP Code of Conduct or link to the EAP Code of Conduct available online during the registration process, as well as the facility to confirm that they are in agreement with this code. Should an Athlete/Official/Member Club Representative fail to complete such a confirmation at pre-registration stage, they may instead download and print the Code of Conduct from the EAP’s website, read and sign it, and send it to the MO or bring the signed form with them to The EAP competition.

Instances of violation of the EAP Code of Conduct shall be reported

  1. To the advisory board of the sponsor club of the offending athlete/s or representative/s,
  2. To the head of EAP Code of Conduct (CofC),
  3. To the EAP Quality Meeting Programme (QMP), and
  4. To the EAP Steering and Executive Committee (SEC)

Reports of violation shall be submitted using the EAP Code of Conduct Violation Reporting Form. This document is located on the EAP’s website and may be filled out electronically and sent to the EAP Steering and Executive Committee (SEC) via the Head of Code of Conduct.

The sponsor club of the offending Athlete/s, Official/s or Representative/s is ultimately responsible for determining appropriate disciplinary action and providing evidence to the EAP Steering and Executive Committee (SEC) that disciplinary action was taken.


It is mandatory for individual athletes to read, understand, and agree to abide by the Athlete Statement and Code of Conduct in order to be eligible for EAP competitions.

Athlete Statement

I believe that the true essence of athletics is to strive for personal achievement and excellence through full and honest effort.
I am committed to participating in athletics with integrity, and to striving to win only by Legitimate means.
I pledge to learn, understand, and adhere to both the written World Athletics rules of athletics and the accepted Rules of Fair Play.
I believe that violence and physical intimidation are harmful to the promotion of athletics, and I refuse to use such tactics in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.
I understand that officials, teammates, and opponents are all integral to athletics and worthy of my respect.
It is my responsibility to maintain self-control. I will accept officials’ decisions without arguments, compete with determination but without hostility, and behave graciously in triumph or defeat.
I am committed to honor my registration for an EAP Meeting, and I am aware that failing to do so for the simple reason of preferring to opt to participate at some other athletics meeting occurring within 3 days before or after, rather than the EAP Meeting I would have registered for may lead to sanctions, fines and/or blacklisting on the part of  Events for Athletics Promotion (EAP) if such retirement is announced in less than 7 days prior to the date of the EAP Meeting.


It is mandatory for Officials, EAP Member Representatives and Agents to read, understand, and agree to abide by the Officials & EAP Member Representatives Statement and Code of Conduct in order to be eligible for EAP competitions.

Officials & EAP Member Representatives Statement

I believe that the true essence of athletics is to strive to promote the true image of athletics through full and honest effort.
I am committed to participating in athletics with integrity.
I pledge to learn, understand, and adhere to both the written World Athletics rules of athletics and the accepted rules of Fair Play.
I believe that violence and physical intimidation are harmful to the promotion of athletics, and I refuse to use such tactics in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.
I understand that Officials, EAP Member Representatives and Athletes are all integral to athletics and worthy of my respect.
It is my responsibility to maintain self-control and respect decisions taken by those responsible without arguments, and behave graciously in all circumstances.

Athletes’ Agent Statement

I believe that the true essence of athletics is to strive to promote the true image of athletics through full and honest effort.
I am committed to participating in athletics with integrity.
I pledge to learn, understand, and adhere to both the written World Athletics rules of athletics and the accepted rules of Fair Play.
I believe that violence and physical intimidation are harmful to the promotion of athletics, and I refuse to use such tactics in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.
I understand that Officials, EAP Member Representatives and Athletes are all integral to athletics and worthy of my respect.
It is my responsibility to maintain self-control and respect decisions taken by those responsible without arguments, and behave graciously in all circumstances.
I am committed to honor my athletes’ registration for an EAP Meeting, and I am aware that failing to do so for the simple reason of preferring to move my athlete/s to participate at some other athletics meeting occurring 3 days before or after, rather than the EAP Meeting for which I would have registered for, may lead to sanctions, fines and/or blacklisting on the part of Events for Athletics Promotion (EAP), as well as being reported to World Athletics if such a withdrawal is announced in less than 7 days prior to the date of the EAP Meeting.


The main aim of ‘I Run Clean™’ is to provide reliable information that will help the platform’s users understand the issues around doping in sport and the regulations that must be observed to compete fairly.
‘I Run Clean™’ also aims to help athletes understand their personal values, how they relate to sport and how they contribute to good decision making. As more and more build solid ethical frameworks, the culture of clean sport will be strengthened.
‘I Run Clean™’ is meant to supplement and support the anti-doping programs offered by federations, national anti-doping agencies and other organisations.
The main target group, of course, is Athletes of all ages and performance levels. But Officials and EAP Member Representatives will also be asked to complete the program. Everyone is encouraged to obtain the ‘I Run Clean™’ certification as this will gradually become a requirement to participate in an EAP Meeting by the end of Year 2022, at least for all athletes in the Under 18 (U18) and older.

In order to obtain ‘I Run Clean™’ certification, Athletes, Officials and EAP Member Representatives are welcome to use the following URL Link and complete the program.


This Code of Conduct is based on the true values of athletics, these being Competition, Excellence, Fair Play & Sportsmanship, Discipline, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Equality and Inclusiveness,
This Code of Conduct is aimed at driving all to act according to the slogan;
‘True Athletics, True People, True Performances’

  • a. Respect for others:
    • I agree to act with respect towards all those I come into contact with through athletics. This means I refrain from comments or behaviors which are abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, or otherwise belittling or demeaning to others.
    • I do not harass or tolerate harassment by others.
    • Irespect others as persons and treat them with dignity.
    • I respect the privacy of others.
    • I do not endanger the safety of others through my actions.
    • As a guest of the hosting organisation, I understand that these behavioral standards apply to all areas and spaces where athletes comingle, including competition areas, hotel, and transportation.
  • b. Respect for Property:
    • I respect the property of my fellow athletes, officials and EAP Member Representatives and any property provided by the Meeting Organisers to facilitate the competition, including but not limited to competition areas, hotel, and transportation.
  • c. Respect for self:
    • I act with fairness and integrity in the pursuit of excellent athletics.
    • I practice drug-free athletics and accept doping control.
    • I avoid the abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs or any substance and product (including equipment) that could artificially and abnormally improve my performance.
    • I shall not participate in betting on Athletics, nor manipulate the results of competitions, nor engage in other corrupt conduct
  • d. Respect for athletics/EAP anti-doping policy:
    • I understand that the EAP does not tolerate doping in any form and adheres to the World Athletics policies for drug-testing and reporting.
    • The EAP, including all delegate members and associations, as well as all participating athletes and athlete support personnel, are expected to compete in the spirit of clean and fair athletics by abiding by World Athletics Anti-Doping Rules and Regulations.
    • In order to be eligible to compete or participate in an EAP event, I understand that all athletes, officials and EAP Member representatives must sign an agreement that indicates familiarity with and willingness to abide by EAP Code of Conduct and the EAP anti-doping regulations.


I have read and agree to abide by the EAP Code of Conduct.
I understand that violation of any part of this agreement may result in disciplinary actions
on the part of my sponsoring organisation and/or the EAP.

Full Name and Date






Official or athlete representative

EAP Member Representative

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