Biella results 2020

Il Gomitolo di lana, meeting internazionale giovanile, Biella - 2020 (ITA)

Biella, "Gomitolo di Lana" EAP Future, 22 August 2020, is the second meeting of our outdoor season, despite the coronavirus situation.

5 new EAP Future records have been set, and namely:

M U16
Long Jump  MACOLINO Giuseppe (2005) 6,44

W U16
1000m CAFASSO Sofia (2005) 3'12”67
Long Jump  GAGGINI Alice (2005) 5,44

M U14
300m LUDERIN Riccardo (2007) 40”86

W U14
300m MINELLI Alice (2007) 43”68


Results and start list are still available online too.

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