Malta results

List of results Download the list of results in PDF format. EAP-MALTA RESULTS 2019 You can also download the classification...

Catania results

List of results Click to download the EAP CATANIA 2019, Complete Results in PDF         EAP Delegations:...

Dour results

Indoor meet "Sprint Festival": 10 February 2019 Click here to download the list of Results in PDF format For more...

Six victories and a new Latvian record in the Kuldiga Catherine’s Cup

In Kuldiga IX "Katrina's Cup" Līga Velvere sets Latvian record in 1000m  - 2: 42,30 and Latvian athletes celebrate victories...

Kuldiga results

List of results (in Excel format) Men's results Katrīnas kauss_2019_Vīrieši Women's results Women's Katrīnas kauss_2019_Sievietes Read more about Kuldiga meet...

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