Pre-registration-request Codroipo / Villa Manin

You can click here to register -
-> Per gli atleti italiani tale modulo vale solo come preiscrizione, l'iscrizione effettiva va fatta attraverso il portale della Fidal.

Or use the following form:

    I am :

    Year of Birth :

    Citizenship (required) :

    Is your club member of the EAP circuit ? yesnoDon't know

    EVENT(S) :
    (be sure the discipline(s) is(are) proposed in the meet you are applying for : the link to the event's page is provided below and opens a new page)

    Best performance 2022 or 2023 (only numeric (!) values, ex: 10.88, 7.22, 2.08, 56.34 etc.) :
    Best performance discipline 1 :
    Best performance discipline 2 :
    Best performance discipline 3 :

    Link to the Athlete Profile ( :

    "I Run Clean®" certification ( ? YesNoIn progressDon't know


    Link to the event's page

    Select language »