Budapest Open 2020: new date to be fixed

Budapest, March 30th, 2020 Message received from the meet organizers of Budapst Open in which, due to Coronavirus, the meet...

EAP Malta 2020, cancelled

March 18th, 2020 Message received to inform that EAP Malta 2020 had to be cancelled, due to Coronavirus. ________________ Dear...

Meetings confirmed but uncertain #Covid19

The expansion of the Covid19 coronavirus in Europe, does not allow us, at the current state, to guarantee the organization...

Catania, the first meet of the season to be cancelled

March 10th,  20220 Message receivd on March 10th, announcing the possible cancellation of the meet in Catania (ITA). __________ Hello...

Our meets and the Coronavirus #Covid19

We are witnessing, among other things the cancellation of the indoor world championships in Nanjing (posticipated for one year), a...

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